American preacher, Scott Morgan, embarked, by a personal initiative, on teaching the Quran

American preacher, Scott Morgan, embarked, by a personal initiative, on teaching the Quranic verses in a church in Virginia State, and he chose the verses that handle the issues of women, peaceful coexistence and citizenship.

He also interpreted its meaning to the church attendants. Moreover, an American TV channel broadcasted Morgan’s interpretation of the verses, and pointed that at a time the United States of America is the homeland of Pastor Terry Jones who burned a copy of the Holy Quran in Florida State recently, it is the homeland of a number of preachers who teach Quran within its churches.
Pastor Morgan said: I chose two subjects that the Americans rank as highly important: violence and the woman. He demonstrated through the Ayahs that Islam forbids violence against non-Muslims, citing certain incidents that corroborate his findings from the biography and stands of the Holy Messenger (p.). As for the issue of women, Morgan cited certain verses that elevate the woman’s status and assert her role in building the society.
The American preacher continued to say: If the distorted image of Islam and Muslims that the media outlets depicted changed even at the level of one individual, then this constitutes a great gain to America.
The mentioned TV channel pointed that this is not the first time the Quran is taught in American churches, for Chicago was home to several similar experiences that resulted in several positive outcomes as the lesson attendants explained. An American lady once pointed that she had a wonderful time and that they discussed taboos.

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